Are you struggling with poor email deliverability? Is it causing a negative financial impact on your business?

If your answer is yes to these questions, using an email deliverability tool may help you improve your open rates and fix your email deliverability issues.

Thankfully, just like there are email service providers in the market, there are also email deliverability tools for you to choose from.

So, if you…

  • Send thousands of emails every month.
  • But feels like the results of your campaigns could be better; and
  • Want the best email marketing tool to maximize your email deliverability

Then, this guide and product comparison are for you. We have analyzed another popular email deliverability tool (Folderly) and compared it to our own, InboxAlly, based on features and pricing.

Remember, deliverability success involves committing resources and budget too if you are going to do it well. And if you want to see a positive turn from your investment, you’ve got to choose the right tool once and for all.

Without further delay, let’s begin with an overview of Folderly and InboxAlly.

Overview: Folderly vs. Inboxally

Folderly (AI-Based Email Delivery Tool)

Screenshot of a website featuring a spam filtering service. The page displays a title, "Goodbye spam. Hello inbox." and includes a Folderly score card with a score of 91 out of 100 and various metrics for comparison.

Folderly is an AI-best email delivery platform created to help marketers accelerate their sales by helping them send campaigns that drive revenue.

It allows marketers to monitor and maintain their email deliverability as well as do spam tests. The Folderly team claims that more than 51% of business email messages do not reach the inbox and that spam folders can lead to budgeting problems and missed sales opportunities.

With the features of Folderly, it helps companies make sure that you are never a part of that 51%. Instead, it will help you avoid blacklists and spam filters. Thanks to the following features:

Folderly Features

Spam Filters

Their tool works as an email testing service to help emails get passed through the spam filters. This feature works like SpamTitan email security, which is another tool that protects businesses by blocking spam, malware, and viruses to malicious sites from emails.

Content Analysis

It analyzes spam words included in their client’s email copy and determines what may trigger the spam filters.

DNS Settings

They make sure that your DNS settings, which play a vital role in email deliverability, are all set up correctly before you send out your mass email.

[You may also like: How to Send Mass Email Without Landing in Spam]

Who Is It Best For?

This software is best for companies doing warm email marketing or cold email outreach.

Product Review: What do users think about it?

A Founder and CEO of a small business with less than 50 employees shared, “Folderly is exactly the tool that claims itself to be responsible for the whole health of my domain. [The] support team at Folderly is very attentive, so they take care of every issue I have or could have.

When asked what he disliked about the software, he answered, “In the beginning, I was confused because the app inside could seem a bit empty.” This was because he was used to seeing tools with dashboards.

Another person shared what he disliked about the tool, “Folderly doesn’t provide info on open and reply rates. So you usually have to check both. It would be nice to see Folderly as an email marketing software.” Still, he believes that “Folderly is a must for our business. We connected all the subdomains and senders who do email campaigns and weekly track deliverability performance.”

Related tools 

  • ZeroBounce – an email verification platform
  • MASV –  a tool that keeps file and folder structure intact. It allows sending up to 5TB at once, which is way better than other file transfer services

Now let’s proceed with our own.

InboxAlly (Email Deliverability Tool)

InboxAlly website home page

InboxAlly is an email deliverability software created for email marketers to stop their emails from landing in spam. For that to happen, it guides email providers to put their messages in the inbox and ensure they improve their open rates.

In just one to two weeks from using our tool, InboxAlly’s clients have seen their open rates more than double. In the dashboard, email marketers can even see all the broadcasts of emails they sent. There’s also a setting to select a preset engagement profile.

WIth InboxAlly’s real-time analytics, users can quickly review their email marketing performance. And metrics, like delivery rates, clicks, and unique opens are there for reference to help them find the best way to interact with their target audience.

Inboxally Features

The most valued features of InboxAlly by users include real-time monitoring, email marketing, event-triggered actions (for a high-converting mail flow), location tracking, bulk email verification, delivery tracking, A/B testing, drip campaigns, and real-time analytics. But for emphasis in today’s product comparison, we’ll highlight the following:

Enhance email inbox placement

The service engages with your clients’ emails to pull them out of the spam and promotions tab and direct them into the primary inbox. Basically, it lets you get more value from your business email or everyday communication.

Support business hours

From Starter to Enterprise service packages, InboxAlly provides email support. If you avail of the Plus, Premium, and Enterprise package, you may even get an email, live chat support, and phone support.

Advanced email engagement tracking

Aside from email inbox placement service and providing support to clients whenever needed, InboxAlly also allows users to track progress out of the spam folder. It goes deeper than open rates, conversion rates, and click-through rates, which are the usual go-to metrics for determining an email performance.

Who Is It Best For?

While most of InboxAlly users as of this year are small businesses and freelancers, it is also being used by mailing list owners, deliverability experts, email service providers, and agencies.

So, whether you are doing cold outreach or have your own list and following the email marketing best practices, InboxAlly can provide a proven solution you can start applying right away!

Product Review: What do users think about it?

One InboxAlly user “highly recommended” the tool and wrote, “Their process proved successful time and time again – we saw a significant bump in our open rates and a significant decrease in our spam complaints…We really appreciate their customer service and their attention to detail.”

An outreach manager said, “We’ve managed to improve our open rates and convert more emails after using the product. It’s easy to set up and you don’t have to do anything once it’s configured.”

In-Depth Comparison: Folderly vs. Inboxally

Best Features


  1. Integrates with most Email Service Providers (ESP), like AWS, G Suite, Outlook, Yahoo!, Gmail, GoDaddy, iCloud, SendGrid, and ProtonMail.
  2. Email folder analysis
  3. Analyzing email deliverability with a 1-click testing
  4. Spam fix and maintenance
  5. Domain and email warm-up
  6. Dynamic ESP & IP seed list


Deliverability is the first step in an email’s journey and it’s crucial. The InboxAlly team understands this that’s why we are proud to provide these services/ features to our client:

  1. Repair/Increase deliverability on any IP/domain on any platform
  2. Works with any email sending service
  3. Set your timezone
  4. “Prime the pump” for specific email campaigns
  5. Can be used with large list sizes (with proper segmentation)
  6. No need to give us access to your email accounts or sending software
  7. Use your own content in emails you send
  8. Utilize our proprietary use case-specific engagement profiles or create your own
  9. Your emails are opened from different machines with different IPs in different US locations
  10. Control the opening time window


The AI-based platform (Folderly) base package price starts at $160 per month while InboxAlly starts at $149 per month. Both offer a free trial.

If you want features that stand out, you need to consider paying for your account.

Top Reasons to Go With InboxAlly vs. Folderly

Our software is a comprehensive email deliverability platform

Built for marketers and email providers, InboxAlly offers more features than Folderly.

When you use our tool, it will teach you ways so you can see a dramatic increase in your open rate. With its detailed features, it’s like having access to an email scoring service, list cleaning tool, and marketing automation tools in one.

We take our client’s success to the next level

With different support channels, from email support, live chat, phone support (by appointment), 1-hour setup/strategy session, and ½ hour weekly progress sessions, you can directly speak to a deliverability expert so we can quickly solve your nagging problems involving email deliverability.

Our tool is easy to use and supports you as you grow

You want to grow your business and surely, picking an email marketing software that is easy to use is a must, right? That’s what InboxAlly is – it has an easy-to-use interface.

In fact, in Slashdot, a website that features stories on science and technology, InboxAlly was rated 5 stars out of 5 in terms of “Ease.” The platform also provides you with tips and tricks so you can become an effective marketer in less time.

We ensure that customer data is protected at the highest levels

InboxAlly operates on military-grade security infrastructure, making sure that customer data is kept safe.

Beyond data protection, we also share tips on email marketing best practices, like not allowing unknown email addresses or email accounts spam traps to sneak into your email list.

Marketers Who Switched to InboxAlly

A top-rated Freelance Email Marketing Specialist said, “I can happily testify that Darren and his InboxAlly service is now my go-to solution for deliverability issues and IP warming…Despite my initial reservations, the proof has repeatedly been in the results that InboxAlly has delivered.”

Another commented, “After recently celebrating my 18th year in business I decided to move my email list to a more advanced sending platform. This change caused major deliverability issues. Luckily I found InboxAlly. They were able to help me to not only resolve the deliverability issues from switching to the new platform but got my open rates to increase!”

[You may also like: 30 Experts Share their #1 Tip to Improving Email Open Rates]

Final Verdict: Which One Should You Use?

Now that you know these email deliverability tools, you can test them, gather enough data and experience, and draw the right conclusion.

We hope you choose wisely and go for one that truly cares for your business and what it can do to you beyond improving your deliverability. It would also be best if you can consider affordability, especially if you are planning to use the service for the long term.

From an expectation-setting standpoint, ask yourself these questions: Does the platform show some credibility? Is it easy to sign up and get access to their features? Can you try it for a few days before filling up the payment form – just to be sure it aligns to your company’s needs? Once you can answer these questions, you’ll know the email deliverability tool you’ve picked is the best one.

There you go. We wish you the best in making inbox the destination folder of your campaigns!

Still undecided? Book a call or ask us in a chat.